Sand Hill Boxers
connie mcgill/Richardson
Gilmer TX
Phone: 903-235-7770
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We lost our 13 year old Boxer last week and are looking for one to fill the void her loss has left in our hearts. i was given your name as a reputable breeder with healthy pups from a veterinarian friend of mine in Neosho, Missouri who had heard of you through one of his clients who raises Boxers.
We currently have a 10 year old flashy fawn female remaining,and had hoped to find another fawn or flashy fawn. (She is missing her best buddy, Cocoa desperately also!) Our friend mentioned that he thought you had a flashy Brindle about 11 weeks old. If you do, is she for sale; and how much are you asking for her? Do you have any other pups available for sale; and do you have any pictures you could share of any pups you might have?We only want a Boxer to love and do not want to show her. Our main concern, having owned Boxers throughout our married life (42 years), is that our pup comes from healthy lines and has a good temperament to be around our grandchildren.
Please let us know if you can help in any way. Thank you!