Ma’s Chorkies
J Mitchell
Toccoa Ga 30577
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How much are your chorkies? What do you have available?
Looking for a chorkie pup. I am in Cartersville ga. & would love to come see what you have available.please contact me when you can
Do you have a website? Will you have any puppies available next month?
Hello, I’m looking for a chorkie pup. Please contact me back asap with further contact instructions. Hope to hear from you soon.
My therapy dog passed away yesterday and I am devasted, heartbroken and very empty inside.
My dog’s name was Millie and she was a Chorkie, which is a mix-breed between a Chihuahua and a Yorkshire Terrier.
I am now seeking to replace my Chorkie with an identical copy.
However, this time I want to purchase both a female Chorkie baby puppy and also a male Chorkie baby puppy of same age (8-10 weeks old) for companionship.
I am attaching photographs of Millie for your reference.
Millie had entirely blonde / beige fur with a white belly; a stubby and cropped tail (not full tail); black eyes; and very mild temperament.
Can you please assist?
Thank you as this request means the World to me.
Jay Patel