Cuddlespice Cockapoos
Sherry Mateer
Slippery Rock PA 16057
Phone: 724-530-2279
Fax: 724-530-2500
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Hi…I was wondering how much your cockapoos are and when a litter would be available. Thanks!
Thomas and I bought a puppy from you about 7 years ago. We named him Bubba. He is the best dog we have ever had. Bubba is doing fine these days. We bought another place here in Sebring, Florida. It has a fenced in back yard for him to run. We go for a walk every day around the block. I ride my handicap scooter and he follows. He looks forward to it every day. en it gets too warm he gets on the cart and rides also. He has places to stop along the way. He must stop at least 52 times. there are 50 mail box posts he has to water.
I just went to look up this breeder. She passed away in 2010 and the business is closed. However, her assistant, who worked with her for 8 years is running her own cockapoo breeding business called 4 Paws Cockapoos. I know nothing about this business, but felt anyone looking for this reputable breeder (Cuddlespice) should know the situation.