beautiful german shorthair
4120 poplar dr
delavan WI 53115
Phone: 2629093418
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I have a 3 year old male, solid liver colored I’m going to have neutered probably later this year. I purchased him from a private breeder of hunting dogs, his sire is a 2 time champion. He has all the traits for it even though I don’t hunt him but that’s another story. He has an awesome personality, great family dog & is a fantastic physical specimen of the breed, the most common response from people upon first seeing him is “what a handsome guy”. I’m reaching out as I think it would be an outright shame to not to continue his genetics through breeding before he gets fixed. I have no interest in breeding myself or for anymore family pets at this time. I noticed you are nearby in Delavan, I’m in Woodstock & was hoping you may have some interest or may know another shorthair breeder who does in possibly using him for stud. Much appreciated if you could let me know, thank you.
815 353-7150