Giant Schnoodle Pups
ron macdougall
edmonton ab
Phone: 780-461-0611
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Our family has had a Kerry Blue Terrior for 12 years before he passed away 3 years ago. Now we’re thinking of having another dog that is nonshedding due to allergies and asthma. We thought about the Schnoodle as I’ve seen them and they are lovely.
Do you have pups available? If so what is your cost for this dog?
I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.
Hello I too am looking for a giant sh noodle. I had a miniature shnoodle for 16 years. Oliver was a great friend. He passed in the Spring and I feel I am ready for a new forever friend in my life. I would love the GIANT Shnoodle. Preferably a young adult. Spayed female or neutered male.
If you find a breeder ( I found this site and had trouble navigating) would you be so kind as to send me the contact info?
Thank you so much.
Looking for a giant schoodle my 12 yf old cockapoo Frankie just died of csncer