MaeBoerboel – Mastiff Wisconsin
Danielle Thienel
Manitowoc WI 54220
Phone: 920.901.6464
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I am looking to adopt a full blood Neo Mastiff, or Bull Mastiff. I am experienced with the breed, and they will not be used for breeding, as I have no other ones. I am wanting one so that when my husband is out of town, I can actually get some sleep, and not be paranoid all the time worrying about our 3 girls (kids) and if the house is ok!!! I am not looking to buy a dog, as we like to do the spending spoiling the dog, so please no emails saying you want a $1000 for your puppy… Please if there is anyone that can help me and my family get sleep at night, I live on the West side of Rockford, so you know what i mean 🙁
please contact me!! Thanks
I am also looking for a mastiff a french mastiff or bull mastiff either or not for breeding I own a taxidermy shop with thousands in costomer mounts inside and I need not only a pet but something big and intamidating looking and sounding willing to spend the money on a french mastiff