Mastweiler puppies ready in September
Phone: 404-932-5294
Fax: 770-909-7906
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Hello my wife and I are interested in possibly getting two Mastweiler pups. Can you tell me about the Sire and Dam are they on premesis? is the sire the Mastiff or the dam? What type of Mastiff, English, Neopolitan etc.? Do you ahve any pics you can e-mail?
Any other information you can provide as well as pricing would be helpful.
Mike and Barb
Hi Alicia, my name is Pat and I am looking for a mastweiler puppy would prefer a female non brindle. If you have any puppies or will have some in the near future could you please let me know? I can be reached by e-mail at or text/call (717)666-9036 Thank You for your time,Patricia McFadden
Hello Alicia,
We are moving to Georgia in August and have a fenced yard and would love a mastweiler. Our Rottie passed away last year at age 13. We love big dogs and have our hearts set on a mastweiler. We really would prefer a male. Are you taking deposits. We can be reached at 585-355-0543. Thanks so much, Susan and Brian