DOODLESVILLE Aussiedoodles!
Winchester VA 22601
Phone: 540-242-0691
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Hi my name is Roselle. I was searching online and saw this breed, the Aussiedoodle. I looked them up and saw how adorable they are. I instantly wanted one. I was curious if you had any standard, not toy, aussiedoodles available. Also how much you are asking for a puppy. I live in Westerly, RI in my own house. This breed seems like the perfect house pet. I would love to talk to you whenever you are free if you have any puppies. We would also consider any age dog under 1yr old. Thank you!
See, you are easy to find.
Thanks for being such an agreeable person to deal with online. However, Virginia is a bit of a distance for us and we would never subject a puppy to being shipped.
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