Shepadoodle all the Day!
Robin Cahill
Campbell River BC V9W 1P6
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do you have any shepadoodles currently available for adoption, can you provide more inof.
having a difficult time finding a phone number to contact your business. we are interested in adopting a shepadoodle in late april, early may. Are you able to help us out. thank you
I was wondering like the others on here if you have an litters available soon…and how do we get in touch with your business?
I’m looking for a mini sheepadoodle.
Many thanks.
Hello, I’m interested in adopting a Shepadoodle around the month of may. I would like to have more information about your dogs and if you have any multigeneration ones as my fiance is allergic to dust and excessive dander. Please email me. Thanks.
Im really interested in getting one of your dogs, can u tell me more please.
I am looking into poodle cross dogs, and the shepadoodles seem to look pretty. I am hoping you could give me some more information about your dogs, breeding, facilities, etc. Thanks.
Looking for a mini sheepadoodle white with black. Can you help me! Please respond to this so that I know you received it.
Thank you, Nancy
Do you have sheepadoodle puppies the for sale? I’m looking for one.
Do you have any Shepadoodle puppies available? If so how mich and can you send pictures? Thanks very much.
Hi there
Interested in shepadoodle
do you have any puppy’s right now or sale if when will you have some