Pray’s Precious Toy Poodles
Renee Pray
Wichita KS 67213
Phone: 316-209-1138
Responses (6)
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Do you have any male toy poodle pups?
Do you have any toy poodles at this time? If so, please email me their photos and prices.
Thank you
Have you added on to your house or do you still have those small crates you keep the dogs in?
Have they changed the city laws for Wichita and allowed the more than 4 dogs you have?
Are you still breeding your dogs for the money or have you decided to let them rest in between breeding like a responsible breeder does.. And how old are your females now? .
And have you changed your ways and started staying home close to thier due dates instead of being out of state when puppies are due and letting your husband take care of the pregnant dog and not knowing what to do?
That being the case, maybe you won’t find a newborn puppy delivered in the yard dead and another found in the crate.
You are only in it for the money. Then you waste the money while you sing your sad song and get evryone else to pay your way through life. Shame on you!!!!
As in life, you are a leach…..
Pat you are way out of line. People make money on animals all the time. Its called life, get off your high horse and come back to reality. I sell goats for meat, guess how that goes? Its for money and to take care of the rest of the animals I sell. Your what is terribly going wrong with this world.
I’m looking for a black toy poodle I can’t spend over $300.
Thx Konnie
Hi Renee
I was wondering if you had a white female puppy at this time?
Thank you for your time
Sincerely Rose