Yorkie-Apso X Shih Tzu Puppies
Anna Shwaykosky
Laurier MB R0J 1A0
Phone: 1 204 447 3193
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Can you send me some pics of the puppies and the price and where you live. Thanks! S.Reed
Cold you please send me photos of your pups and prices – Thankyou.
Hi Anna
I’m interested in adopting a yorkie shih tzu puppies. Do you have any at this time or in the near future.
Also the cost. Kinda hoping to get two. We lost our German Shepard in June last year due to cancer. We are an older couple looking for a smaller dog to travel with.
Thanks Gail
Hi there,do you have any shitzu / yorkie avalable? And whats the cost of one.
My family and I are looking for a Shorkie puppy, wondering if you will have any available in the near future.
Thank you
Just wondering if you have any females,and if there are pictures . Thanks
could you please provide some pictures and pricing for your puppies. thanks
Would like like to know when you may have a female puppy available and prices please. Thanks!
Was wondering when u will have puppies available, also prices please 🙂
Hi I am very interested. Can you send me picture and more info. Thanks
hi i was wondering if u have any pomeranians or yorkie puppies or mix? that would be great if you could send pictures and a price -thank you
Do you have teacup size, how much are they if you do?
Would you deliver to Winnipeg?
Hello do you have any puppies now
Wondering if you have any puppies at this time, maybe some pictures and prices?
Thank you
Hi our shihtzu poodle mixed rescue dog passed with cancer last year. She was 11. We miss her and feel it’s time to get a new companion. Are your animals kenneled most of the time or do they live in your home? When is next bunch become available and how much do you do for them before selling? How much do they cost.