Over 40 Years Breeding Experience
Monta Lou Beckett or Piper Hollars
Joplin MO 64804
Phone: 417-623-1567 or 417-621-8552
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Do you currently have any Zu chon puppies? Can you send me some information about them?
Thank you.
Hi! I am looking for a Zuchon puppy for my daughter’s birthday. Do you have any available now? I live in Joplin and would like to stay as local as possible. I would appreciate if you could send me any information you have!
Thanks so much!
Hey we were wanting to see if you have any Zuchon puppies about 8 to 9 weeks old and how much they will be so plz email us as soon as possible for that info. Thanks!!!
Do you currently have any shichon puppies? If so, please send me pictures and information. Thanks
I believe we got a mini Schnauzer from you about ten years ago. This was thru a friend and family that had gotten mini’s from you. Do you currently have mini Schnauzer’s…any information appreciated.