TimberCreek Puppies Shihtzu Shichon Zuchon
Burlington Ia
Phone: 319-752-5331
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I’m looking for a zuchon puppy preferably male. Can you email me pictures of the puppies you have avaliable, their ages and their prices? Thanks! Kelsey.
Lori and BJ Herron got their puppy from you and Bently is adorable, do you have any puppies at the moment? We also live in Old Forge, NY.
Yes! Bentley is adorable. They are actually getting number #2. Does that speak for the shichon breed? You bet…their temperaments and personalities are precious. Feel free to go visit our website for what is available. Enjoy your day!
Oops! Maybe I should have written the website address down 🙂 http://www.timbercreekpuppies.com Thanks!
Looking for shichon puppy for Christmas. Any available.
Looking for a female shichi