KJ’s Munky Paws
Kelly or Joan Gay
PO Box 162
Fruitland ID 83619
Phone: 208-284-6454
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This may be out of the blue, but about 5 years ago I bought a chihuahua and her mother from a breeder in fruitland Id. The mother dogs name was wowwie and the pups name was diva. The two dogs have honestly been the best animals I have ever been around. I have a friend who is in love with my chihuahua and would love to get one that rivals my own. fruitland isnt that big and maybe you would know who it was, or if it was you. I unfortunately lost all the paper work on both dogs. Also the women was a teacher and she had 2 or 3 boys that all seemed close in age if my memory serves me. I hope you can help me. Thank you for your time. Teri
Hello, I see there has not been any current information. Do you still raise and sell Affenpinschers? Thank you.