Prairie North Kennel Siberian and Alaskan Huskies
Kathleen Fleming
1250 149th Avenue NW
Bismarck ND 58503
Phone: 701-220-3528
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I am actually trying to locate a husky for my son before Christmas. I know, I have waited until the last minute. But there is a story… lol
rick justice
sitka, ky
Interested in buying a Husky. Can you tell me when you will have a litter available? We live in Williston so we most definitely can make it that way. Well, I guess it depends on the winter this year. Please email me at
Hi, I am interested in adopting a husky sometime this summer and would love to know more about your puppies. It would be great to hear back from you. Thanks so much!!
Hi Kathleen, my name is Mike, I bought a Siberian Husky from you on 7-10-09. his name is Jack Taku of Kona. Born 5-21-09. His dad is Prairie north Taku of Kona. Mother: PNK Haley of Avalanche. I drove from Whitehall Mt. to the border of N.D. to meet you, to pick-up Jack. The female I have never took, I tried for 3 years. I took away his man hood a few years ago, I wanted to lessen the possibility of him getting cancer. Big, stupid mistake. Biggest mistake I have ever made. It was more than likely my female with the problem, should of got her checked before I did such a stupid frecking thing because I’m loosing him to cancer very soon. Jack is exceptional, he brought me more joy than any living being. I am devastated beyond any ones imagination. It has taken me about an hour to type this reply to you, I can’t see for the river of tears running down my face. Please contact me if you can help. If I can’t get his blood I will never get another. Thanks, Mike. 813-727-5144.