American Bulldog – FREE Stud Service UPDATED
Worcester / Surrounding Cities MA 01604
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hi,my name is isai an i have a female for stud ,,my # is 12039933448.anytime ok.
I am looking for a registered American Bulldog stud. I am in Nowata OK, but my whole family is in MA. Could you send me info if you have one?
Thanks, everyone . Oscar is just a cutie-pie he wags his tail so fulruosiy when we arrive home from work, that his whole lower back wags with it, it’s just adorable!He sleeps the whole night, doesn’t have accidents in the house, and seems to have more and more energy each day Chief is slowly warming up to him, last night they almost cuddled up together in the same bed, but it did not last too long, Chief decided to get up and leave . It will come, though, we can see it .