Traverse Hill Bernese Mt Dogs
Bev Hanna
3849 Stucky Valley Rd
Stonecreek OH 43840
Phone: (330)897-7355; (330)432-2885
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Do you have a website at all ? I was wondering if you had berner puppys at this time. I am also looking for an older female if you have one for sale.
Thank you,
Laurie Wilkinson
Hello, Bev!
We bought our Berner puppy from you (Alex and Susie’s litter from Feb 4, 2008). Her full name is Coco Alex Susie from Travers Hill (AKC registered name). She is now 13-1/2 years old and has beat cancer three times- brain tumor, cartilage cancer and sweat gland cancer. Last year, we relocated to Colorado and drove her across country in a rented mini-van. She has been the joy of our family and is still going strong. She is also the love of the neighborhood here in Boulder. We still fondly remember picking her up from your beautiful property, and you asking us so many questions about our commitment to her. We love our precious Coco! Thank you!
Eileen, Bill, Lauren and Kaitlyn (our girls were 9 and 7 when we got her- now 20 and 22!) Hope you and your family are well!