Jane’s Puppy Place
Jane Schulz
1453 Old Ivey Road
Raleigh NC 27502
Phone: 919-362-0725
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I bought a yorkie female from you 10 or 11 years ago.
She just passed away and I am looking for another sweet little dog just like her.
She was only 3.5 pounds and very bold. She was a product of Schultz holly berry and bluefields tad of jubilee.
Do you have a small female available that will be ~ 3.5 pounds or less? If so how much would she cost.
Please let me know at both e-mail addresses as i am so lonely and miss my little girl so much.
Hi, Jane, this is Toney..and we still are enjoying our healthy little dogs that we purchased from you. Rocco-Yorkie-5lbs, Gucci-Bichon-12lbs, Taco-Chorkie-5lbs, and Onyx-Yorkie-Poo-6lbs.
I will have to make it over to see who will be next. 🙂
Thank you for your wonderful service and your pre-care as our dogs are well and healthy with the expectation to live to their fullest!
Hi Jane, My husband and I purchased a yorkie poo in 1999. Mario passed away April 21, 2014. He was the best loving pet. Just wondering if you still breed them.
Hi Jane,
I purchased a male yorkie poo from you in January 1999 and named him Nikko. Nikko’s love was unconditional and he was a faithful companion. Nikko passed away in May 2013. I came across my “term of sale” documents we signed and memories came flooding back. Thank you for providing me with a loving and faithful companion.
I have now purchased 2 puppies from Jane in 15 years. When my 15 year old yorkie just passed, I called Jane and asked what puppies she had now and a Yochon with my yorkie’s bloodline was available. Chloe, our new puppy, is so sweet and loving and very smart. Jane is a caring breeder and I highly recommend her puppies to anyone.
Hi Jane.
We got our sweet Bichon Max – born 12/3/2000 from you and he changed our lives forever. We lost him on 12/20/2016 and my heart is shattered. Do you still have Bichons? I would love to have baby from Max’s bloodline if possible .
All the best,
Ramona Johnson
I purchased a bichon about 16 years ago from you. Do you have any puppies coming or already here.
Hello, about 10-11 years ago I got a chorkie from you and I was wondering if you had any new puppies available!