Southern Heritage Kennel
Glen and Betty Rushing
7 Miguez Lane
Lumberton, Mississippi 39455
Phone: 601-596-8782
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I am looking for a male Black mouth cur puppy.I live in Texas,but my sister lives in Purvis,Ms. Do you have any puppies available,or will you have any anytime soon? I can come down to see them anytime over a weekend,I will take off work to come down. Could you please send me an e-mail? I would appreciate it. Thank you,
Hello Cindy
We do have a few pups for sale at this time out of two different litters. You can contact us through our website info. We are only about 15 miles from Purvis. Thanks for your intrest, we would be happy for you to come visit us.
Betty Rushing
I am looking for a blockhead chocolate lab male puppy, I was just wondering what you have or will have available soon, and pricing along with bloodline information. If you could email me this information I would appreciate it.
Thank you.
i live in louisiana and was looking to adopt a blackmouth cur and i was woundering if you had any puppies.
Do you currently have any male BMC puppies available?
I need a good farm dog. I would like to have a black mouth cur.Please let me know if you have any puppies and the cost. If not if you know of any please let me know. I live in Matches Mississippi. Thank you.