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We had a very bad experience attempting to purchase a Black Mouth Cur puppy from the Ruhlmans who advertised that they were a BMC breeder. I used web sites to locate a breeder for a puppy and was very successful on the second try. Unfortunately the first try with the Ruhlmans was a bust. We never got a dog and they kept the $200 deposit. Hopfully sharing our experience will help others avoid a similar one with them.
The BMC breeder, Ruhlman’s Black Mouth Curs, advertised as Weatherford Ben & Carnathan Blood Line in Broadtop, Pa. cashed our $200 down payment over a year ago and never returned the deposit. We have detailed written documents showing what happened which include supporting E-mails from Ashley Ruhlman and me and a summary of the bizzare events. Their excuses ranged from their female eating our second male along with other puppies to various checks they claimed were sent to us being lost, numerous promises and responses that were never kept etc. They even sent photos of their family to make everything look legitimate.
The facts and their written broken promises can only lead to a few conclusions and none of them are good ones. We made a mistake by sending them a down payment and trusting that they would uphold their part of the transaction.
We received a beautiful Male Black Mouth Cur from the Ruhlmans. Everyone who sees this dog wants to know where to get one.
Too bad some breeders are spoiling it for others… I guess that it’s buyer beware, and getting a few references would help the buyer determine wether or not he is dealing with unscrupoulus breeders!
Prostitutes to money, and no honor! What a shame!
Bought a female black mouth cur from ruhlmans for four hundred dollars was supposed to have papers, 5 months later and many phone calls still nothing , very disappointing that someone could be that dishonist. shame on you still love my dog