Great Lakes Boerboels-Puppies Available
Terry or Brandy
Phone: 810-743-1369
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Sue and I and daughter Jordan (16) lost our beloved Rottie (Mica) who died this week after 9 yrs. He was a big boy with a heart of gold and our 2nd Rottie. Jordan took him through first place in his obedience training when she was 7, and is heartbroken now. Rotties usually dont live beyond 7 and our research found Boerboels who look like big Rotties with all the characteristics we want, and live longer. My daughter Mandy Izzo Reiner is a PhD evolutionary biologist at U. of Mich, Ann Arbor, a dog and horse lover, and would like to visit your kennel with us to look for a puppy. We dont need show quality, just want another companion like Mica, and we know first hand the value of the right breeder. Please let us know your address and when would be a good time to visit. Thank you much.
Bob Izzo 212 S. Perkasie Rd, Perkasie PA, 18944