Enchantment Roadrunner Border Collies
Kristine Kline
P.O. Box 164
Moriarty NM 87035-0164
Phone: 505-832-4580
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I saw your add on “Dog Breeder”
I’m trying to get a Border Collie pup for my sister. She lives in New Mexico. And sadly neither of us would have the means to get ‘to you’ we could meet you? She lives in Moriarty, how much extra would it cost to get the dog there?
Please let me know.
She’s wanting a male (Black and white) pup. What is your price for the pup be and would you be able to transport it to New Mexico? I know that’s very likely a long shot. But I would love to be able to get one for her. It would be a birthday for her.
I’ve contacted a few other breeders hoping to find a good quality pup with someone willing to transport the pup. Please let me know. Thanks in advance and good luck selling your pups, ~Kit