Cocalico Boxers – family raised with love!
Ephrata PA 17522
Phone: 717 721 3544
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looking to buy a boxer puppy for family pet. either gender any color
Hi there Kendra,I am sending you a message to see if your still breeding Boxers bc we got one from you 10 yrs.ago and he just passed away in Feb. His name was Tanner and he was a brindle with white markings and he was a wonderful pet for those 10yrs. Our names were Barry & Penny Mohr from Wind Gap. If you could just let us know if you are still in the business we would be happy to hear from you. My email address is: I hope to hear from you and if you are in tge business could you let us know tge price bc I know the breed is selling at high price. We paid $800 for Tanner back 10 yrs.ago. Thank you. Sincerely, Penny &Barry Mohr