AKC Brittany Puppies in Indiana
Barbara Pepin
Floyds Knobs IN 47119
Phone: 812-941-1716
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My experience with Dr. Barbara Pepin was very unpleasant. My puppy (Midas, 3 months old) is a great Brittany, but words of wisdom when purchasing a puppy from Dr. Pepin – remember, you are buying the dog, not the breeder. She is impossible to get a hold of and she rarely returns emails. When she does, she never addresses your questions fully. Her puppies are VERY expensive and I was brushed off like I was buying a $50 mutt. I paid $750 for Midas and I expected questions answered, calls returned, emails replied, etc. and this was not the case. It would take at least a week for her to reply to an email and she NEVER addressed my questions. When I would finally get a call back after numerous voicemails, it wouldn’t even be her – it was her vet assistant! Furthermore, she does not follow up after you buy your pup – I actually emailed her about a MONTH ago w/ concerns I have with my puppy and she will not get back with me. She also refused to register Midas when I picked him up for whatever reason and said she contacts buyers and does it later. I had to pay UPFRONT to register him but she has YET to call. Shocking. Buyer beware – this woman may be a vet and have outstanding credentials w/ show dogs, but she is a miserable breeder.