Tea-cup Griffonshire puppies
Monmouth County NJ
Phone: 7328653806
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Hello my name is Collette Sterinsky I was referred to you by someone on facebook at the moment I do not hsve the name they dont mock the tails off their yorkies. I have a few questions, the yorkies you breed are they Teacup yorkies?? And so you get lots of requests for females? Cause those are the 2 things i am looking for. I am looking to purchase and love and make her a part of my family in the next year Can you tell me more of what you are all about and if you can help me or refer me to someone who does breed Teacup yorkies? I am willing to travel I am near NY and Pa. If you woulg get. Back to me Id at your earliest convience I ‘d be so happy. I have wanted a teacup for yrs so im excited. Lol Thank You for your time . Collette Sterinsky