Florida Cavapoos
3423 Bay lake road
orlando fl 32808
Phone: 407-523-8216
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can you tell me if you have any cavapoo puppies available? We will be in Orlando June 20th to July 3rd and would be interested in looking at puppies. Thanks, Beth
Do you have puppies available? We will be in Orlando April 24-28th and would love to see them!
do you have or are you expecting any cavapoos, thanks
I am looking for a toy cavapoo male.
Let me know if you have one or are expecting any soon.
Do you have any female cavapoo puppies available?
Will like to know if you have cavapoo puppies available for May 2015. Thanks
Do you have any female puppies available in Feb or March 2017? We live in North Port, Fl and would like to add a cavapoo puppy to our family. We have an Australian shepherd who is 10 years old and very loving and energetic. Thanks in advance. Lisa
I am interested in a cavapoo do you have any available.?
Do you have any female cavapoo puppies for sale?