TLC Country Kennel
Tessa Clark
670 NE 20th St.
Columbus KS 66725
Phone: 620-674-2027
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Hi Tessa, my name is Shira! I got my sweet love from you back in August of 2010. Her name is Chloe!, she was a Boston Spaniel and her birth mom’s name was Salsa. You even made a video of her for me. My Sweet Girl passed away last week. She would have been 13 on the 15th. I was wondering if you were still breeding Boston Spaniel’s, or know of someone who does because I need another sweet Boston Spaniel in my life soon. Hope all is well. Talk to you soon. Thank you!
Shira I am just now seeing this cause I decided look up my kennel. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I closed my kennel several years ago. I know longer raise dogs. Sometimes I wish I did due I have had so many contact me about getting another dog from me. Wish I knew someone that did.