Klearly Chinese Cresteds
Chelsey Combs
Bedford IN 47421
Phone: 812-279-5174
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My cresteds are my pets first and foremost and are well-loved and spoiled rotten. There are no kennels, only pets who sleep in our bed and have the run of the household. They are also show dogs and we enjoy being at the shows just as much as we do playing at home.
We are firm believers in bettering the breed and breeding healthy chinese cresteds. All of my dogs are CERFed annually, patellas are normal, and are PRA clear by default through Optigen testing. Health and health testing is a central part of our foundation here. We feel this is a crucial part to any breeding program and take it very seriously.
We have a very limited breeding program here consisting of litter bred only when we have a need for something ourselves. Our goal is to breed healthy, happy chinese cresteds that conform to the breed standard. All pets are sold on a spay/neuter contract, no exceptions and show prospects are sold on contract.