Chiweenie puppies!
Lake Geneva WI 53147
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Interested in purchasing a chiweenie puppy in April. Just curious if you are expecting any puppies around this time? Do you currently have any puppies now? If so could you send some pictures of them… I would prefer to have a puppy with floppy ears over ears that stand up. Also, I am located in Chicago, would you be willing to ship the puppy by airplane? (I am willing to pay for the cost of this)
Thanks so much for your time,
Hi Alex,
I have a chiweenie and a friend of mine fell in love and wants one too. I see you are located in Lake Geneva and would be will to travel to get a pup. Do you or will you have and chiweenie pups soon?????
Thanks gail
HI Alex,
i am looking into getting a female chiweenie i already have a male and am now looking around for a female can you please send me more information on your litters! thank you!
Interested in purchasing a chiweenie puppy in April. Just curious if you are expecting any puppies around this time? Do you currently have any puppies now? If so could you send some pictures of them… I would prefer to have a puppy with floppy ears over ears that stand up. Also, I am located in Chicago, would you be willing to ship the puppy by airplane? (I am willing to pay for the cost of this)
Thanks so much for your time,
Dear Alex,
We are looking for a female, brown chiweenie pup. Do you have any available? What are your prices?
Thank you,
Ron and Sally Michaelson
Do you have any chiweenies available or do you anticipate any liters soon?
I am looking to purchase a chiweenie. Do you have any puppies availabe or do you anticipate any soon?
Checking to see if you have an ‘C’ pups??
I am interested in getting chiweenie puppy. how much and do you have any females available?
I will be looking for a female chiweenie sometime in the Fall or Winter, would you please let me know if you have any litters available Thank you, Loren Shucha
Hello I also live in Lake Geneva, WI.I been looking for a Chi-weenie and haven’t found any! email is email me!
Alex, might you have any Chiweenie pups for sale?
Hi Alex,
I am interested in getting a chiweenie puppy. Do you have any puppies now or that will be born yet this spring/early summer? How much do they cost? Please let me know at
Hi Alex,
I live on the Racine/Kenosha border and have been searching for a chiweenie!!! Please let me know if you have any pups, or upcoming litters. Thanks!!
Interested in purchasing a chiweenie puppy. Live in caledonia and have just started searching.
Looking to purchase a Chiweenie puppy. We live in Wisconsin and would be more than happy to travel to pick one up, preferably a male, but would definitely consider a female.
Interested in a female short hair and brown in color.
Interested in a female short hair and brown in color. We live in New London WI and already have and love our chiweenie best dog we ever had no children in the house until my grandkids come over and our dog loves them willing to travel within a reasonabel distance.
Can you tell me if you are still breading Chiweenies? We have been looking for a local breeder.
Contact me with availability & price
Do you have any female puppies for sale? What do you get for the puppies?
Do you currently have puppies for sale?
Do you have any chiweenie puppies for sale?
How do I contact you for information on puppies for sale?