chi-weeine puppies, $ 95.00 CASH PER PUPPY
9 wks old ar 71671
Phone: 870-463-8788
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Very interested in your chiweenie puppies.If you have any left,I’m in Massillon Ohio.Please email me with futher info. THANK YOU
I am interested in you puppies, could you please send me more info.
i am interested in your chiweenies can you please send me an email with more information… i am looking for a girl chiweenie i already have a male.
Interested in purchasing a chiweenie puppy in April. Just curious if you are expecting any puppies around this time? Do you currently have any puppies now? If so could you send some pictures of them… I would prefer to have a puppy with floppy ears over ears that stand up. Also, I am located in Chicago, would you be willing to ship the puppy by airplane? (I am willing to pay for the cost of this)
Thanks so much for your time,
I am interested in your puppies. Do you have any available at this time? Looking for male or female, light tan / cream color. I am in St Louis, MO. Where are you located?
Trying to find our daughter another chi weenie ours just resently passed and she has mooped around ever Sence and no other breed will do so wanting to know if you have any available thanks