Guardian Angel Farms
Diana Henderson
5545 Fairfield Pike
Enon OH 45323
Phone: (937) 717- 4996
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This woman will NOT give you akc paperwork. I called many times and always got a sad story about why the papers were late. At the end she claimed that the papers were sent, but they never got to me. DO NOT TRUST.
Mike T.
Our family is looking for an adult Collie to bring into our home. Currently we have two dogs and one happens to be a 12 year old male Collie. The other is a 5 year old Beagle. Our Collie is getting on in years and the Beagle will be lost when he leaves us. We want to introduce another pet into the family before that sad day comes. If you have any adult Collies for sale we would like to hear from you.
Best Regards
The Hostetters