My 3 beautiful Coton De Tulear girls
Leisa Stapp
pobox 321
Moville IA 51039
Phone: 712-873-5848
Responses (3)
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Hello, I’m looking for a Coton de Tulear puppy. My husband and I feel our family is ready for our first pet and we have been researching breeds for a while and have settled on the Coton’s. Wondering if you could give me some information about your business and if you have any pups available? Thanks!☺
Would you please contact me and let me know what you have left and what you are asking please.You can email me with pictures if possible,,,Thank you…
My name is Deb. I tried to call but couldn’t get through. I am looking for a Coton de Tulear puppy. Could you please call me. We would like a female. 712 830 1925