miniature dachshund puppies
little rock ar
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My 87 year old Daddy & 83 year old mother lost our beloved Daschund on Tuesday after a storm (they think she had a heart attack from fear). We are all willing to help but only have $200 at this time. If you can give us information on where we might find a female red puppy for that amount we would truly appreciate it! My parents loved our Suzie & treated her like a child. Every night my dad would carry her bed from the living room to the bedroom. Then he tucked her in every night. In the morning he would take her bed back to the living room.
It breaks my heart that they are missing her so much but we are not sure we will be able to get them a baby.
If you could help us find one that is also a lap dog I would so thank you
Thanks for any help you can give us. My phone number is 314-952-5440.
Karen Thoele.