English Bulldog Puppies
Dana Durnell
2617 St Rt U
Willow Springs MO 65793
Phone: 417-252-0448
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Dana, I believe we purchased our English Bulldog, George, from you back in 12/09. We got George, who was renamed Kingston, for our son, Andy, who was in college at the time. Andy and Kingston now live in San Diego. Kingston has been a super-wonderful pet who we all love very much. My wife and I miss Kingston a great deal and are in the market to acquire another English Bulldog. Do you, by chance, still breed them?
FYI, Kingston was diagnosed with cancer just this past week and will undergo surgery on Tuesday to remove a mass. We’re extremely worried about him. I don’t know how my son could do without his close buddy, Kingy. They are exceptionally tight and are seldom without each other.
Tom King
Sugar Land, TX (formerly of Gurnee, IL)