Feist Puppies for sale. 4 males & 1 female.
Cristy Caudle
2905 Larry Rd
Boonville NC 27011
Phone: 336-469-9235
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My husband and I are interested in buying a female Feist puppy. Do you have any at this time? Thanks.
I am interested in buying my husband a feist puppy! We had to put ours down after she suffered a stroke at 10 years old and could no longer function to live a happy life. Please email me and let me know if you have any available or soon to be available. Thank you very much!!
do you have puppies available now?
We are interested in a female puppy (preferably 6 weeks old) We are looking for something for our small children and can be raised in the house. My email is triplehorne@windstream.net-please let me know if you have any available or when you may have some. I would like a solid color or the tricolor browns if possible.
Do you have any feist puppies or plan on any this year?
Looking for a mountain fiest. Do you have any available or when will you have some. Don’t care if it is male or female. Also what is the price?
My wife and I have a small breed black and tan with some white on him, we were told by some friends in McDowell county that he is a feist but our vet is not to sure about that. Since you are in our area we would like to know if we can bring him out so that you can tell us if he is or not.
Mount Airy, NC