Abri French Bulldogs
Carolyn Rountree
Denton TX 76227
Phone: 940-391-3984
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susan Caton gave me your name. We are looking for a four legged frencie child for our Frenchie Mia. She was given to us by our vets wife who raised them and since Mia only had one puppy she no longer wanted her but did want to place her in the best home possible. She was three then, nine now. Her best friend Tank (a rescue malti-poo) passed recently and she still looks for him. He was 15. Anyway we have a nice home, doggie door to fenced in back yard. Mia runs the household and her every wish is our command. She has steps up to the bed so she doesn’t hurt her back. I do not need a $3500 show dog. I need a Frenchie for around $1000 to $1200. I know that is a lot to ask but am hoping for a retired young dog or if the puppy gods are in a good mood would dearly love to have a puppy. Even after I explained this to Susan she took the trouble to write an 18 page letter giving me advice and how to avoid scammers. We almost lost $800 to a scammer but got suspicious at the last minute. She was so kind and I really appreciated her advice. Now that I have had Mia nothing but a Frenchie will do. My husband and I are retired and have a lot of time for a puppy. We also worked for the airlines so could fly there and pick up a puppy and it could ride back in the cabin with us. Sorry to have taken so much of your time
Sincerely. Patty Garrett