English Cream Golden Retrievers
Calm, well socialized pups from health tested parents
Vancouver Island BC
Phone: 250-218-2702
Fax: email for a quick response
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interested in your puppies…
Please email me with detailed and pictures. I’m interested in bringing home a puppy as soon as possible
Hi. Are you currently selling puppies for adoption? If so then for how much? You car email me at Meera9302@gmail.com
Hi there,
I am wondering if you have any puppies. what are your prices?
Hi, do you have an female puppies. It is so hard to type in puppies on Vancouver Island, then you find out they are in New York. How much are your puppies and when are they available. Our last Golden died when her spleen ruptured, and we cry every time we see one when we are out. Thanks for all your time and trouble. Suzanne MacIver quincy1@shaw.ca
Is there any chance you’ve had a litter of puppies?
Please get back to me.
My email is fishingtripbear@yahoo.com