Havanese Delights – new litter & puppies
Bill & Shalayne
Albany, Oregon Or. 97321
Phone: Purebred with papers, (no mixed breeds)
Fax: Visitors always welcome
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Would love to hear about any new litters you may have. We purchased a havanese from you in 2006 For my Son and then my friend Marilyn purchased her brother. Then a friend of ours purchased Sarah.
Would like more information on acquiring a Havanese puppy to join our elderly female Schnauzer.
James Jerger
14070 Goodall Rd
Lake Oswego OR 97034
Would like information regarding Havanese pups you might have available sometime after the new year.
Do you have puppies available? Would also consider older dog.
Good morning, do you have any HVanese puppies?
Are you still breeding Havanese puppies? Bought Wilson from you in 2007. He was a sable coloring. I live in Wisconsin. The BEST dog ever! Lost him to brain cancer 2/2/21.
Nancy Caldwell