Lhasa Apso stud service
Lance Minor
Kailua HI 96734
Phone: 808-664-9830
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Hello Lance! I would like some information about your Lhasa Apso Stud service. I have a 2 year old AKC registered Lhasa Apso female who will be going into her next heat in May. I would like to breed her with an AKC registered male. Please let me know your requirements for breeding, along with any information about fees, vet checks, etc. You can email me at deannerobles@yahoo.com or give me a call at 808-542-6972. Thank you so much.
Hi Lance, we have a female Lhaso Apso who is four years old. She is currently in heat and we would like to breed her. We are sorry for the short time frame but my wife and I were not sure if we did want to breed her. Please let us know your requirements, any information about fees, vet checks, etc. She is not registered. We live in Pearl City. Thank you,
Mike Martian