Robins Cockapoos, Maltese, Maltipoos and Small Breeds
Robin Nunn
5315 Lois Avenue
Louisville ky 40219
Phone: 502-968-5849
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I would like to know if you have any female maltese, I would like it to be a puppy, and what the prices are. thank you.
I would like to know if you have any yorkie poos and how much are they, thank you.
hello…was wondering if you had any small, female caramel and white colored multipoo pups and the price
thanks so much!!!
Do you have any female cockapoo or maltipoo puppies available? Thank you!
Do you currently have any Maltese or maltipoos available or in the next month, if so do you do shipping, or must it be pickup?
Hello, I’m interested in a small dog and I’m wondering if you have any babies available. I look forward to your reply.
Debbie in Anderson County, Ky