Roome’s Premium Miniature Australian Shepherds
Lisa Roome
Sacramento California
Phone: 916-628-2772
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My name is Tiffany Martin and I am interested in buying one of
your merle blue or red female mini aussies. Do you have any available at this time? If so, what do they cost? I’m buying it for my mother for her birthday next month (I can give it to her early) and I am just trying to find something that is still located in CA. We have a border collie/aussie mix right now and a chihuahua. My mom just lost a dog that was very close to her about a year ago, and she has just started talking about getting a new puppy. I figured that now would be the best time for her to get one. Also, would there be any possibility that if you have an upcoming litter with a female merle, that you don’t dock her tail? Please let me know. Thank you so much!
Tiffany Martin