Robinson’s Goldendoodles and Mini Schnauzers
Gina & Lee Robinson
47004 US RT 20
Oberlin OHIO 44074
Phone: 440-774-4999
Fax: 440-774-4999
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hello there. I was just writing to see if you have any female Miniature Schnauzer puppies you were selling?
if so could you please email me.
Thanks so much
Wooster Ohio
Do u have a website to look at puppies u have avaliable ? Looking for a golden doodle maybe around dec?
Hi Gina! I just wanted drop you a line. Our email address has changed in the last few months. It’s hard to believe that our Goldendoodle, Scarlett will be 8 in May. We are as in love with her today as we were when we got her from you 8 years ago. I just wanted to let you know what a great dog she has been and is in very good health. She is vibrant, smart, and fun and shows no signs of slowing down. She has a true zest for life and is interested in playing with her neighborhood friends and being off leash in our local parks for her morning jaunt. She despises walking on a leash and prefers being off leash. We enjoy her immensely and she is the perfect dog, so we think! She is full of love for us as well. Thank you for providing us with such a truly wonderful pet. She is the very BEST.
Debbie & Paul Sovich
Pittsburgh, PA