BURR OAKS DOOD RANCH. F1 Petite & Goldendoodles
Dale or Leslie 28 yrs. exp. in AKC Purebreds & CKC Hybrids.
Endeavor Wi. Near Wisconsin Dells area wi. 53930
Phone: E-mail for a fast response a phone interview will come later. Thank you.
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I am looking for a petite golden doodle boy of approx. 20 lbs…Thanks
Looking for a mini golden doodle.
Prices, availability please.
On Dog Breed Info website they show F1 Miniature Labradoodles produced by Elly May and Pierre and they note they come from Burr Oaks Dood Ranch. Looking at this page it talks about Goldendoodles. Do you do both or is there another Burr Oaks? I’m looking for a miniature Labradoodle and liked that those shown are 50\50 by breed.
If you do breed the LDs what would be the mature size and weight of the litter shown on the Dog Brief?
Will you have more litters coming up?
If there is another Burr Oaks, do know their information?
Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.