Browns Valley Farm
Sandy Noll
54 Browns Rd.
Schuylkill Haven PA 17972
Phone: 570-345-3227
Fax: 570-345-3227
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Looking for an adult pug. Do you ever have adult pugs available? I live between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre.
Hi, do you have any bugg puppies,and cost? thanks,Nancy
looking for bugg puppies,and cost? thanks,Nancy
Sandra Noll operates an obvious Puppy MILL. Demands cash only, will not let you see litter mates or parents. House has an array of dog breed puppies running around and a small barn just off of the house where she most likely keeps these poor animals.
I’ve purchased 2 pugs from this family a couple of years apart, they are super healthy boys, and are not poorly bred. Ive traveled from the southern border of North Carolina both times. They are definitely not a puppy mill. I have walked down and seen the kennels. The dogs have Air conditioning. The house that the family lives on does not. There are Kennels for each of the mama’s that are separated from the rest. Not only that, I did not pay cash. Both times I got out of my truck to pick up a pup, I was greeted by the friendliest papa pug. I will only use this breeder. If yall have any questions, feel free to email and ask.
Stay away!!! Inhumane breeder. Obvious Amish puppy mill.