Dr. Brian Beard
Chattanooga TN
Phone: 423-595-6241
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Hello sir,
My father and I have raised and trained large breed dogs for most of our lives. Now that he is on his own he would like to have a good guard with him where he lives now. My questions to you are as follows:
How long have you been involved with this breed?
How long have you been interested in keeping up the standard of the breed?
What kind of food system do you have them on? raw or kibble?
How many litters do you have a year?
What are you asking for your pups?
Do you charge a different rate for males or females?
Are the pups tails docked?
I do apologize for all the questions but a true dog person would do this as i know you will have questions for me as well. Thank you for your time and patience. I look forward to hearing from you and take care.