Town and Country Schnoodles Schnoodle Puppies Available
Donna Davis
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Hi, My family is looking for a female schnoodle. Please let me know if you have any and also age and price. Thanks -Heather
I possibly have written before but I am looking for male schnoodle either apricot or salt and pepper. I want one as small as possible. I originally said between 3-5 lbs but I’m beginning to think there are none this little. Please email if you have something.
THank you,
Looking for schnoodle puppy please contact me if you have any and what price. thanks!
Looking for schnoodle puppy. Please let me know if you have any. Please include price and photo if possible. Thanks!
looking for a female snoodle, where are you located? And your prices.
Hi, I am interested in a Schnoodle. My daughter’s family has one, whom we sit for occasionally and love her. I live near the Orange/Osceola line in Cypress Reserve, which is about a mile into Osceola near John Young Pkwy.
My number is 863-698-2270
Charles Nestor
Thank you!! TERRI
I am looking for schnoodle puppy – male – approx. 30 when mature.
Good afternoon,
I was wondering if you could tell us what you currently have or coming available in the near future?
We had schoodles for the past 11 years and love the breed. We just recently lost out girl schnoodle to a rare disease IMHA. Her brother past a few years ago with pancreatitis.
We would love to hear what you have and your history with schnoodles.
We are looking for a female mini schnoodle puppy. Would you let us know if you have any available for this summer?
My name is Mary-Anne Dalton and we purchased our schnoodle Sam from you in 2007. He was a beautiful furbaby. We just sent him to The Rainbow Bridge last night. We are wondering if you are still breeding and selling Schnoodle puppies. Sam was so beautifully socialized and such a little gentleman thanks to his first weeks with you I would love to repeat that experience.
Hi Donna, I was wondering if you were the breeder I bought my Harpo from, in 2005. I can no longer find your Town and Country Schnoodle online. Please let me know. My name at the time was Marie H. Trope-Podell, and we met your husband and our baby in Philadelphia in February 2005. Thank you. MarieH.