Brigadoon’s English Scottie’s/ English Champion sired puppys
near Athens Ga
Phone: 706-795-0036 or email
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I’ve had 3 Scotties since 2002– two wheaten boys, one black/brindle girl. My sole survivor is Yogi (he was the middle child). I’m just beginning to look into getting another Scottie, not immediately. I’d love the chance to at least look at some kennels/puppies online; and I’d like to stay with ones within reasonable driving distance from the Atlanta area. I’m not interested in picking out a puppy from afar and having him/her flown to me. I like the old-fashioned way– finding a great breeder, coming and looking at a litter– I always know which one is mine that way, which one has been waiting for me to come get him or her. Do you have a website where I could look at pictures of your puppies (past/present) and adults you own and/or ones that were once your puppies? I’m not sure when I’ll want to get one, but I’d love to start looking. Thank you for any info you might provide me.