Yorkie x Shih Tzu Puppies
Anna Shwaykosky
Laurier MB R0J 1A0
Phone: 1 204 447 3193
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Hi, can you please let me know how much your puppies are.
Thank you 🙂
Could you please send me pictures and pricing on your pups? Also, when will you have some ready?
Just wondering if you have any puppies at the moment?
If so, do you have a female available and how much?
Interested possibly in a shortie. We have a soft coated Wheaton terrier 5yrs old, a 16 and13 yr old. Can you tell me how one would work in that mix and if you have any puppies coming soon.
I am interested in a shortie . do you have any puppies now? How much do they sell for? thank you
Do you have any yorkies currently available? And how much do they sell for?
Do you have any Shorkie females available now?
Do you have any puppies how much are they
Hi I’m looking for a very small Yorkie shitsu puppy. do you have any andwhat is the cost?