Cherokee Farm Smooth Fox Terriers
Mardel Robeson
23575 Cherokee Rd.
Gentry AR 72734
Phone: (479)283-3342
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I came across your post on selling whippets. I am from Malaysia may I know if you have any available? Brindle male pups 3 months of slightly less? If you do could you send me a pic of it and his parents. Thank you
Do drop me an email my email add is
I have had my pup Artie for several months now. He is wonderful, healthy and quite the prankster. Loves to hide things, actually ‘talks’ when I ask if he wants to go out or needs a treat. I adore him.
Thanks again Mardel for making me smile and giving me a life to cherish.
Next month – he and I will attend training classes.
I know what happens to your “beloved” breeder dogs when they are no longer producing for you. Shame on you for your exploitation of this lovely breed. They do not deserve to be bred for years then discarded like trash.
Interested in your Whippets. would you please contact me via email:
photos or website etc. appreciated.
Thank you,