Spanish Water Dogs of Colorado
Val McGinley
Denver CO
Phone: 720-981-0685
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Do you have SWD puppies ?
My husband and I were wondering if you had an puppies available or expecting any time soon?
deseo obtener un cachorro raza: perro de agua hembra marron o negro, vivo en peru y aqui no disponen de esa raza, poseo un macho marron el cual quisiera que tenga una compaƱera.
espero que me respondan a esta solicitud para cualquier respuesta comunicarse porfavor por mi msn
Hello Val,
My family and I are looking into meeting a Spanish Water Dog and wondering if you can help us out.
Do you have any SWD available?
I am interested in a SWD puppy, preferably male. I am not interested in breeding and will agree to have him neutered. I am interested in a puppy around January 2019. Will you have any puppies around then?
I am interested in a SWD puppy. I live in Colorado and would like to buy a pup from a home breeder in Colorado. Do you have any available? Coming soon? What are the prices of the pups?My family is from Northwest Spain? My uncle has a fleet of commercial fishing boats and I would like to honor my heritage by owning one of the dogs that originated in Spain.
Thank you,
Andrea Whittaker
Evergreen, Co